Question ThySelf…

Ayawm: Listen-up Many Baltimorians and Residents of neighboring counties… Y’all can ask, “Wheres the Mayor” all you dang want! It isn’t the Mayor nor the Police (not Poe Lease) that can fix your issues. IT’S YALL!!! IT’S THE CITIZENS!!! You don’t like Police Officers and Jails but you want the crime to end… Do the MAFF!!! I guess you want the Mayor to go around and mentor the kids that are supposed to look-up to their raggedy (or if you’re from the AVE…raggely) parents. “Oh we need the drugs off of the street” Dude, act like you don’t know a drug dealer…

You don’t want your cousin/son/father/brother/friend/homeboy/baby daddy/ in jail but you want the crime off of the streets…. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: YOUR “COUSIN” IS THE


What is the dang ratio for where the criminals reside? All of these out-of-town folks are messing up Baltimore and then going back out-of-town? (Picture my face if you are trying to answer yes) Go somewhere wit’dat!!! There is a gray area in this situation! Your normal black or white has been proven to fail! 1.Sit around talking at the news. B. Riot in the streets during work hours messing up your own stuff….there goes that mentality of killing in your own neighborhood. Someone asks you to volunteer at a local school…you’re too busy…….(sighing and rolling my eyes) Then you raise your children to HATE cops….wow! Instead of encouraging them to become cops. If you have a son or daughter that is between the ages of 17 and 28 and he or she sitting around looking plumb dumb tell them to go help the police force clean-up the streets. Local high schools will see thousands of graduates (well maybe) in the coming year. Those could be our GOOD COP FORCE. BUT BY NOW YOU HAVE GROOMED YOUR CHILD TO HATE THE POLICE AND SIT ON HIS/HER BEHIND… YEAH, THAT’S WORKING, HUH? Some of yall can afford to purchase the home next to you and the home next to that and so on….maybe rent them out to non-criminals or ex-criminals who are aware of their PAST not PRESENT, not FUTURE In Shaa Allah…but nahhhhhhhhhhhh you’re too busy buying what you want instead of what you need.

If you are offended by this post……hmmmmmm……Allah subhanahu wa ta a’ala knows my Intentions and you and yournnz are probably the PROBLEM #TahanisLilOleOpinion comes w/ #Facts